I feel I have come a long way in my life from a little girl in a broken home with few opportunities. To have now become a grown up, part of a big happy family, raising my own little family on foundations of honesty and purity, with the love and support of the most wonderful husband and friend! I know I am very biased!!!!!
: )
But it's true! I always try to remember to look at my life and really understand how blessed I am. When I hear about what is happening to people who simply want to vote for the opposition in Zimbabwe, I know we here in Australia are so so lucky, that it doesn't seem fair...
So why am I so blessed? Well, I have thought about this long and hard and my answer is - I dunno?! All I know is, I don't think I got a happy, safe and prosperous life because I deserve it - I think it seems to have been given to me. That gift can only come from God.
So if prosperity is a gift, then I believe I have to share it! I think happiness is always a choice. But that can be hard to see sometimes...
I try to give, by being my very best 'Mechelle' everyday, so that I'm always 'on my game' and can 'be there' for anyone who might need help. I think we all have different gifts for helping in this world. My gift is lyrical and musical, using insight, and sometimes prophecy through music that can penetrate through walls when 'talking, and words' cannot.
I hope what I say is clear. I just feel extra sensitive to all this today. I hope this blog is an encouragement to someone, even just once. It is meant as a gift.

You are blessed. You are blessed because there is a God that loves us more fully and greatly than anything we can comprehend. He sees your heart and the potential for your gifts... I often stop and remember just how blessed I am. Just how blessed we are; to happy, to be healthy, to be artists, to be children and to be mothers, and to be friends... to be alive.