Today marks one year,
Since I came here, to share with you my walk,
Through aspects of a poetic life,
Through thick and thin, and my favourite things,

My home, and my family,
My world, which I see from my window...
I set out, in my first post, to give you my thoughts,
And hoped to hear some of yours,
I have not been disappointed, but been blessed beyond belief,
I have relished the chance to share a piece of everyday with you,
Because the walk, is life.
And what better way to live it, than to share it -
Walking with you...
Shell xx's to another blessed year!
Dearest Mechelle, I cannot begin to tell you how much joy I have felt from your words, stories, photos, reflections. You are a brilliant, inspiring woman and I feel blessed to know you as a friend and fellow artist. To many more years to come!