Wednesday, June 10, 2009

As promised...

...I have posted my very newest ditty onto the little music player

{left of your screen}...

It is just a little spur of inspiration I had on Monday, a consideration of youth, fragility, and vulnerability promised, it was recorded 

last night in hope that you might take a listen.


Mechelle Tully 

Nervous, habits in the morning, before,

I am getting on the train,

To see, to see you again, I hope I can,

keep it together, not be too -


is strokes of colour like, 

Purple & Blue…

And I’m chewing on my pen,

And I’m drawing in the sand,

And I’m holding out my hand -

To you.

I am making it available as a free MP3 download from Reverbnation

so you may listen at your leisure and tell me what you think!

Songsmith xx


  1. Love your new ditty, Mechelle. You have a powerful and wonderful voice. I love the way you make these words come alive =]

  2. Thank you Joyful. Your willingness to share your thoughts by leaving a comment spurs me on to keep being inspired... thank you my dear foreign friend!

  3. Dear, dear Mechelle I am totally blown away by you! Your voice and your words are amazing! You remind me a little of Angus and Julia Stone who make some of my favourite music. I was just stopping by to say thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blg. I had quite a stressful day and you made me feel so much better! How delightful to find another kindred spirit! I will be back often :)

  4. Oh Kerri, I knew you were such a lovely woman from reading your beautiful, special blog yesterday - but this comment is so so sweet. You have encouraged me to keep keep keep on like never before, to just be an artist and show who I am. Needless to say I will be back to your blog over and over and over for inspiration & friendship. Bless you.

  5. Very nice ditty - Mechelle. You are very talented


Thank you for your thoughts...