This is the cover of our album. It's called 'Twelve Short Stories.'
We recorded most of it in Sydney, and some vocals and overdubs in Canberra. It was the most fun I've ever had doing music. The photo of the cover is a photo of a mirror, and we're in it's reflection. Then more white mirror frames have been added on the computer... Cool hey!
In the photo as well as myself is Jamie, grooviest bass player, awesome song arranger and best friend! Then the most amazingly gifted guitarist in the world - Cameron, my bother-in-law.
We started this band, Jamie, myself, and Cameron, in 1999. We played almost all Celtic folk music to begin with, we were sweet! Then I started adding music I had written to the mix and we ended up with a unique sound I think. In about 2000 my other brother-in-law joined the band, he was only about 19 at the time - and he played the drums, without ever a lesson. He also went on to write, and arrange within the band, he has an amazing musical gift. At the moment he lives in Nashville USA, he wasn't able to get back to Aus for the recording of this album, which was a shame but I know there will be plenty more recordings for him to play on!
We are releasing Twelve Short Stories on iTunes this June/July and I hope people enjoy hearing it, as much as we did making it.
I'm off to the piano now to write some more short stories...
Shell xx
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