There was much wind and a little rain over night, it has been really cold and I feel the winter has finally set in. When I looked out the window this morning the scene was one of windy dismay, you know how suddenly there are plastic bags blowing around that weren't there yesterday! Outdoor chairs tipped on their sides, and then, when it all seems ominous; a rainbow!

I remember learning that the rainbow is a symbol of God's promise to us that he won't flood the world again. It always thrills me to see a rainbow, makes me feel focused and impressed that right here today, there is proof of God. Alive God, right here, right now God! In my sky there He was painting His promise this very morning!
I love explaining the promise of the rainbow to my children. They look up, and they understand. They aren't confused. Then I hear them telling their younger cousins, and anyone who will listen! Children know there is a spiritual side to life, they know there is right and wrong. Our job is to teach them, and ourselves along the way, the grace that goes there with it.
Shell xx
A lovely poem from my kids children's bible -
" I saw a rainbow today,
God's colours in the sky,
A promise to mankind,
That the world will never die. "
That is a gorgeous poem!