Thursday, June 4, 2009

Can-Do-Ness list!

How one's outlook can change after consuming the above...
Suddenly there is an incredible surge of can-do-ness in the air!
Today my Can-Do-Ness list may include:

(not necessarily in order of importance but rather of preference!)

  • Doing a little more recording;
  • Attempting to invent a Parsnip, Potato, Rosemary & Onion soup;
  • Take more photos of the (still occurring) rain;
  • Be purple;
  • Check the PO Box;
  • Buy Milk;
  • Pick up all the crayons Tara has thrown on the floor;
  • Do some weights & sit-ups;
  • Ignore the ironing.
Followed by yet more tea & dark dark chocolate to fill & feel wintery warm!

What plans have you?

Shell xx


  1. huh. just stumbled upon you via umberdove and checked out your music on itunes - you're pretty great lady! way to go!

  2. Let me know how that soup turns out. I see some real potential there!

  3. Jordan - a pleasure to meet you! And thank you for taking the time to listen to my sonic craftings on iTunes! I am recording at the moment and hope you will stop by again to hear my new music. Again, thanks for the comment, made me really feel encouraged.


    Alison - I will do! I am about to commence the 'experiment' - I am excited to share the results!


  4. ...Oh, forgot to say - I have done not very many of the things on this list so far today - but I have been drinking tea, and I have quite successfully ignored the ironing!

    : )

  5. I love this list; particularly Tara's installation art (via crayons) - with fresh tea and dark chocolate, one can do anything! Today I wanted to go to the mountains with two very special friends and enjoy myself, I did just that (and more)... I am winding down to sleep with soft music and prayer. Be well sweet friend!


Thank you for your thoughts...