Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Your soul to a health spa!

I've had a fulfilling day! And week in fact! Full being the operative word...

Today I am babysitting my four nephews - who are two year old twins, a four, and five year old. So as well as my own four, I have today been Mother to eight children!

I must tell you it's been wonderful! To give my Sister-in-law a day long break from some of her chores and responsibilities is a pleasure, as she has so often done the same {and so much more} for me. And I also feel that a good honest days work helping others, would be better than taking your soul to a health spa!

I must run along as I am reluctant to take my eyes off these precious children for too long - I am determined to hand them back to their parents unscathed! Only to fill up their tummies with homemade choc-chip biscuits, yellow frosting butter cake, and a fun day, at the Green House!


Shell xx


  1. What beautiful boys! And I cannot help but think what blessed children to have you as a mother and an aunty!

  2. Hello dear sister and friend!
    Thank you for today, we had a lovely time. So much more so, because I knew my four babies were with you - safe, loved and having fun : )
    Love, Leanie xxoo


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