Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dear Charlie...

To finally bring Charlie to film is wonderful to say the least - and a lot of other things...
A song I wrote on the pianola in Mum's lounge room,
after Sarah told me she liked said name...
Charlie has been my muse, my tragic creature, my real life & imagined hero...

And now he is my latest film-clip-video-baby adventure!

I want to thank Kate, Sarah, Anna & "Scottwell behind the mirror"

  • for attention to everything important,
  • artistic ability unsurpassed;
  • enthusiasm {for my foolish schemes} galore!
  • And just really, more thank you's than a day could hold for letting me prance around {like a big curvaceous purple woman in front of camera} all day!
What paradise would be - to do such all day, everyday anon!

Songsmith {and friends} xx


  1. Such a wonderful film and song, so many glorious photos, what an exciting day you have had and how blessed am I to share snippets of it with you : )
    bless you Shell and the dream team ; )

  2. Aww, this made me smile. So glad your family members are willing to indulge with you. Love it :-)

  3. I just LOVE it! Well done to all : )
    Love Leanie

  4. "Scotwell behind the mirror"... hmmm, now I have some inspiration! *starts scribbling*

  5. That's fantastic!! looks like you had a wonderful day! Beautiful song :)

  6. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your voice! So beautiful, as is the rest of you x x


Thank you for your thoughts...