Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Death, and a new friend...

I have been listening to and getting to know Coldplay's album, Viva La Vida. Like a new friend I am learning the songs, choosing my favorites, and playing the whole thing from start to finish on high rotation! Today the lyrics from the song 'Death and all his friends' struck my unsuspecting heart;

"no I don't want a battle from beginning to end,
I don't wanna cycle and recycle revenge,
I don't wanna follow death and all of his friends!"

Even now, the beauty of this makes me want to cry and run to the piano to write my own masterpiece! Which I'm shortly off to do!

The words make me think about relationships torn, and in need of mending... Makes me think of injustices suffered, and wrongs un-righted - but in the end it doesn't matter. Those resentments will only lead you off to follow death, (and all of his friends...)

Whenever it is in my power to do so, it makes me feel like trying to mend things that have been broken with a soft word, not a harsh one. And a smile instead of a complaint. In short, this poem has made my heart feel soft and warm tonight...

Shell xx

1 comment:

  1. Death, where is your sting?...

    Death in the end, can never truly have you - you belong to life!


Thank you for your thoughts...