Saturday, February 28, 2009

A birthday, a picnic...

Today was Jamie's birthday.  So what better way to celebrate it, than with a picnic! a river somewhere...

With my feet feeling happy.  A welcome break from mid week busy-ness...

A chocolate/coffee birthday cake (you guessed it, baked by me in Meile)! (Forgive the tongue)!

And a beautiful birthday wish from his wonderful Mum.  Who scanned in and sent this photo of Jamie (blonde wild hair) and his fine older brother Cameron when they were little, not too long ago...

And I can understand that the photos taken today, for a birthday picnic will one day be of a time long ago when we all were younger...  Remember to make your days positive and meaningful so as to make wonderful memories for a time beyond now.

Happy Birthday Jamie!

Shell xx


  1. Thanks for sharing a wonderful family fun day with us all.


  2. Happy Birthday Jamie! You wonderful, blessed man! It looks like you had a glorious picnic; as birthdays should be... swimming, smiling and eating cake.


Thank you for your thoughts...