Friday, July 24, 2009

Standing in the sun...

I love to watch the sun rise over my green house, especially at this time of year - in the winter - where I watch it slowly encompass the ground melting the ice in it's way...

And I notice, on my way to the clothes line this morning, a point at which one half of the ground it frozen, shivering cold in the darkness, and the other, glistening, thriving, having been warmed now, by the sunlight...

The poetic voice inside my mind says; this is an analogy - this is the choice to be made everyday, and for our lives...

If I may think of the darkness and the frozen ground as the place of fear - where nothing grows; in fact staying here, will not only be cold and lonely, but will see me slowly rot, as nothing thrives in the darkness and the cold...

And if I think of the sunlight as a place where all is seen, then surely, if I am to stand here I want all that there is of me, fit to be seen... Only in this light can I aspire, can I grow, can I stand brave, and be seen...

Then the thing that occurs to me, is that before this light rose over my green house this morning, all was in darkness. And slowly the light is delivering life.

I stand in the sun and feel ready to grow. Ready to be seen for who I surely am, and in absolute understanding that this day is a gift, that the Lord has given.

Shell xx


  1. Amen for the gift of another day and for the light that dawns in each and every day so that we do not have to stand in darkness. Beautiful writing today Shell xoxo

  2. these thoughts echo things i've been hearing lately in quiet i WANT to be well? have life? find joy? or am i stuck in my pain because it is dark and familiar? it is the age-old dichotomy in me, i think...i want brightness but it is blinding. Lord help us both to reach out and grasp it, even with eyes closed at first...


  3. Thank you once again your daily post has moved me. xxx


Thank you for your thoughts...