Tuesday, December 22, 2009

a Merry Little Christmas...

The season of Christ's birth is on my heart, in my mind, under foot and over head...

Consider this my gift, my song, a Christmas wish from my good self, to you for all your support and friendship over the past year!

Shell xx


  1. Oh that voice! That beautiful voice. It literally sent shivers up my spine, Shell. that was so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this lovely song and thank you for being a friend. May you and your family enjoy a beautiful Christmas together. Much love xx

  2. What a wonderful way to start the day xoxox

  3. thankyou, Christmas wishes and love to you and your family this Christmas! Beautiful!

  4. Your voice (and yourself) is so beautiful. You gave me goose bumps and made me cry! Thank you for sharing your gift with us x x


Thank you for your thoughts...