Sunday, May 31, 2009

Palette of the Autumn sky...

I am sort of loathed to be at the end of Autumn for another year.  So as a bit of a farewell to the season, I took myself for a little photographic tour this morning of all the trees and leaves which have been the objects of my out of window looking all season...

Check the hidden bee...

Honied yellow dripping gold,
     Leaf of autumn 
          in the cold
     Dancing on
          in crisp despair
     Whirling on
          enchanted air
     Falling silently to
          earthen tomb
     Away from tree's
          rooted arm
     Perhaps the silence
          broken then
     By hollow cries
          of autumn grief
    Synchronized with
          the falling leaf

Shell xx

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I have delighted...

Today I have delighted in filling my fruit bowl with fresh produce from the market;

I have delighted in wearing an exceptionally bright green scarf, purple coat, and smiling at strangers while collecting delicious things in my trolly!

I have delighted (or should I say, am still delighting) in hot tea with my friend upon returning.


Shell xx

Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

A time of pleasure and of plenty...

I often have talked here about my take on the seasonal changes of life...  Being only days away from the beginning of Winter here in Australia, I thought it time to post more observations...

For me, I feel like it's time take stock of all that I have, and be so wholly thankful for this time of pleasure in the simple, yet plentiful things...

This winter I plan to record my album - develop her theme, her name, and start to show you all her new songs;
I plan to make lots of pumpkin soup from the produce of my garden!  
I plan to be frugal with money, as we enter into the grown up world of house mortgages;
I plan to light the fire more often, and stay inside, sitting down reading to my children;
I plan to iron less, and serve others more;

I plan to keep warm of heart, of spirit and  of body this coming Winter.

What plans have you?

Shell xx

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I have seen...

As many cassettes in one room (as ever was seen)!

I have sifted through records, and smelled that smell of dust and excitement at finding something special, recognisable... 

I have seen more than I could possibly put into the one post, so have made it into two!

Shell xx

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I have been...

...(late in posting recent adventures & come to you baring humble apologies)

I have been, this weekend, in the company of dear people.  I have had breakfast with a Windhover, my darling Emma, and of course, my friend...

Like another blog I follow - I too have been walking amongst 'fruit salad' Autumn leaves;

I have been swanning around a precious, inspiring gallery;

I have been fortunate enough to see some work I recognise!  Which looked amazing, enticing, and so well 'collected' for one so young...

I have been, on a little tour of Newtown, (including Gould's book shop)...

Where I have seen some beautiful things...

I have been to the University of Sydney - an amazing, vast, beautiful, and somehow spiritual place...

And I have spotted pixies playing in the gardens!

I have been with a friend...  And our shadows have played on the green green grass...

On the way home, I knew I had been finding art and beauty everywhere in Sydney...

And I have been writing it down, to share with you.

Shell xx

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Taking time...

...To be in the beautiful, rainy city of Sydney this Friday,

Was relaxing, though others were bustling about us;

We just strolled, sometimes right though the rain drops, taking in the art of the place.  Enjoying the Autumn beauty...

And I always relish a wander through the palace like shopping place known as the QVB.

And then, on into the night, I had the chance to sit with, eat with, talk deeply with, and play piano for a dear friend whom I once met in the palace like shopping place...  It is nice to finally get the chance to hug someone whose blog, and spirit, you've grown to love so much.

Shell xx

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Some people are teaching souls.
They produce light, from their spirits, and encourage so many of us.
Yesterday I talked to you about real women...
And then today, with the funeral of Bud Tingwell, I thought it fitting to talk about real men.  And no more do I need to say. 

He was a true gentleman, a faithful servant; who when I thanked for all of his volunteer work for Carers Australia last October, he only responded that I was indeed the one who should be thanked for having written the song...  Unbelievably kind, far too modest.  But then heros always are.

Blessings to his family - and may we all be a little more inspired to make our lives count today.

In love,

Shell xx

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

All Woman...

Sometimes I feel insecure being a particularly curvy woman in this day and age.  

Determined to be proud of how far I've come in accepting myself (knowing God doesn't make any mistakes when it comes to His children), I have today compiled some of whom I think, are the most beautiful, curvaceous women this planet has ever beheld...

I feel all woman when I look at these pictures - strong, proud, and encouraged to be myself.

Aretha Franklin

Marilyn Monroe

Elizabeth Taylor

Ivanka Trump

and I think my favourite, Ella Fitzgerald.

Who encourages you?

Shell xx