Saturday last, has been named a most excellent day, by me! And I should know, since I was awake for all twenty-four hours of it!
It started rather early in the morning, when Tullys from the inhabitance of Hillview set out on a long drive to country
NSW. Which for the day, was expected to be something else entirely!
Namely, a hidden town of Scotland...
Yes. I know. When we heard of
this, we too were desperate to find out why/how a country New South Wales town holding a Scottish themed festival whereby they actually changed the town's official name from
Bundanoon to
Brigadoon, for a day was going to go!?!
So by mid morning we were there and in full Scottish swing! Awesome! I just spent the whole day admiring the differing tartans and kilts and knee high socks, and the
sporrans! How I need a kilt {even though they're not traditionally for the women to wear} and how I need a little leather pouch to hang around it!
And a themed festival is indeed not a themed festival unless one dresses up in the theme, of the festival!
So behold - my wee Scottish legs!
There was also the "Highland Games" to attend, with such events as Haggis Throwing, and the Caber Toss. Below is Jamie not tossing the caber sufficiently well enough as the idea is to make it stand at 12 O'Clock - I think he would have done better, had he been wearing a kilt!
Soon after that we headed for home. But that's not the end of the story... And little did I know, at this time on said most excellent Saturday, my day was more or less just at it's beginning!
It was home for a quick unloading of children, reloading of equipment and exporting of ourselves to the gig - where antics included a girl jumping onto the stage at us in excitement that we had sung her happy birthday {as in The Beatles version!} And a fellow who asked to jam with us on the piano at some point during the second set, who ended up playing with us for the rest of the night! Encore lasted a whole hour! And by the time we finished at 1am my feet and throat were as tired as could be.
So, did you think that was all?
You'd be wrong! My next adventure of the day/night/morning, was a date at the
National Gallery of Australia - MasterPieces From Paris - Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne & beyond!
The boys dropped me off at the gallery, after the gig at approximately 2am - where the party was just getting started. (Note: You can always tell if there's a happening in Canberra if ABC radio is there doing a live broadcast!)
And they were! And so it was, as I say a happening.
National Gallery was staying open for the remaining 32 hours of the famously popular French Impressionists exhibition. So I met my dearest Tully women there and we spent the early early hours of the morn with some of the best post-impressionism paintings from the Mussée Dórsay...
I arrived home at 4am. And when I placed my head upon pillow soon afterwards, realised I had been awake the entire day! Which made me wish I never needed to sleep - for if days were all as excellent as this, I would not ever again, want to close my eyes!
Shell xx
{ps: I got up three hours later, farewelled my Jamie on his latest work trip, and cleaned the house, hung washing, and drank hot chocolate with my loved ones! What a life to love!}