Monday, April 26, 2010

Half Life.

Dear friends, I have had quite a week of it.  

I have been too silent in this space, too absent in my studio, too tired through my days, and restless in the nights.  The good news is I know now I'm on the incline.  And feel as though, figuratively I'm reopening my eyes, and picking everything back up off the floor...

- I'm taking photographs of food again, which is always a good sign of my mental health! -

A new coffee pot.  Pure cream, and the best of supermarket Scandinavian confectionary - 
'Anna's Ginger Thins'...

Organic corn and spinach chips with eggplant Kasaundi, pickles, pepitas & macadamias have helped nourish me back into fine and artistic spirits.

My friend and I have walked, and talked at length, about the world, our place in it, and within that - our place with each other.  And we are at a good place, as ever we were...

Owing to that, I am in good mind to say; that here I am!  Humming this, thinking of that, reclaiming my strength, and venturing back.  To here.

Hope you too are well.

Shell xx


  1. You are so oh lovely..

    What a plate of yumminess!!

    I hope and pray your heart and mind gain peace..dwell in Him, sister!

    Love love love,

  2. It is so good you have a friend who knows, cares and understands and who will walk with you. Glad you're back. Big hugs xx

  3. Your eyes do look slightly troubled, or at least distant, in that first picture. I hope you find the calm you seek. Funny, I consider myself taking pictures of random things a sign that my mind is calmer, clearer too :) Smile x

  4. Ps I'm enjoying listening to that Imogen Heap song... had never come across it before! I love her music.

  5. Dearest friend; you inspire me today - the way you can pick yourself up by nourishing your self with good food, your heart with good company, and your spirit with truth (which is SO good)

  6. Oh I'm so glad you're in fine and artistic spirits! A good talk with your loved one is the best isn't it?

  7. That Kerri above is me (probably no surprises there). I accidently clicked on the wrong thing!

  8. I'm glad you're feeling better and hope you continue to be filled with God's peace and love as you walk on.

  9. Abigail, thank you a million thankyou's and encouragements! You are too kind to me (& I am falling in love with your spirit!)

    Joyful, I am back. Thank you for waiting so lovingly and patiently for me. True friend.

    Kle, that song is currently on high rotation through my MacBook speakers, love it, love her! Thank you for your friendship from so far away - I heart your spirit sister!

    Emily, the key words, as I re-read them in your comment: Self Food Heart Company Spirit Truth Good - Amen to this...

    Kerri, Stop being so darned inspiring! I cannot keep up with your brilliance! I love you!

    Tea, thank you bless you love you!


Thank you for your thoughts...