Early in the morning we drove into Adelaide, the city of churches.

Caught up with an old friend. Funny that when we were at school together we were 15. Now we're both 30... Her eyes and her smile were wonderful to see. Her hugs triggered memories of school and adolescenthood, how I would not want to be that young again, but when I was, all the better I was, for a friend like her... : )
* * * * *
An hours drive, and a pretty archway led us into the provincial town of Tununda.
I felt a little bit strange about visiting my Omi. I love her, dearly. But she has recently been in bad health, and I'd had a dream, or a vision or some sort of prophetic understanding that she was in imminent danger health wise. I hate to say it, but I almost feared I may miss her...
When we arrived at the house, (such a lovely house), I knew she wasn't there. You know how sometimes in your life, there are things you just know?
There was a note, from my aunty, Omi was in hospital. So we went to see her there.
I kissed her cheeks, and held her hands,
I looked in her eyes, and wiped her weary tears.
I was sorry to be young,
incase I made her feel old...
As we talked, we laughed and cried,
about everything passed,
and somethings still to come;
And while we talked I forgot that I was young!
and she, that she was old.
Just we were two women,
Two mothers,
Two wives,
...talked and laughed and cried,
and whether we were young or old,
Were we glad that day, to be together, and alive!